Facebook to reduce effectiveness of Click Bait
Click bait is the process of creating content specifically to generate a click by a user. Normally it is done to increase the interaction on a site and often done to generate further income.
Facebook has announced that it is attempting to reduce the use of clickbait. According to Phigit, Facebook is the clear leader in social traffic and this attempt seems to be a genuine attempt to help with the UX (user experience).
Social media advertising and marketing will be the focus of most larger businesses in 2015. Facebook are making the changes to "ensure that click bait does not drown out things that people really want to see on Facebook" according to a recent blog post. A key measure of the quality of the content will be time spent on the linked page along with whether people share or engage with the content . Therefore, if you are attempting to use click bait then you need to make sure the content on the linked page is sufficient to keep the reader engaged.
These factors should be taken into account when buying social media advertising.